
"Dear Jaime,
Thank you so much for providing a safe and nurturing environment for my wife.
As a caregiver for a person with cognitive impairment, I finally realized I needed some assistance, and a friend introduced me to Jaime’s Adult Day Centers.
What a blessing!
Jaime’s Adult Day Centers provide stimuli and activities that no individual could possibly sustain on a continual basis for our loved ones (and at a reasonable price), along with flexibility of days and hours of care.
I have my life back! Or a least a portion of it that allows me to work, work out, socialize and have some plain old “Me-Time”, before jumping back in as a caregiver. That daily respite gives me enough of a breather to regroup and be the best caregiver I can be for the rest of the day.
Jaime’s Adult Day Centers is a classic win-win…the caregiver gets a break and the patient gets proper stimuli and attention.
I highly recommend Jaime’s Adult Day Centers for anyone who needs a trusted, secure place for a loved one during the week days.
I would be happy to speak with anyone needing a personal reference.
God Bless you and your staff, Jaime, for all that you do for our loved ones!"
Client Member Testimonial | December 2023
Ronald A. Oxtal, MAI
"Jaime’s is very much like home for me. I love coming to Jaime’s. The helpful and well-trained staff, who love their jobs, make our days here fun and educational. When we move around, safety is number one. We have healthy lunches at noon, and a snack in the morning and afternoon. The staff make sure we are hydrated. The Activity Director plans our days.
We watch programs on current and/or historical events, and have 2 exercise periods daily. The staff works with us to exercise our brains. We begin our day with an Inspirational reading of daily Devotions for Loving God, Loving Yourself, and Loving Others. We know by experience that when you join our family you will be assured we will welcome you with loving arms."
Client Member Testimonial | June 2023
Robert Aaron, Member 3 Years
"My husband started attending Jaime's in April 2021. The first day I took him there, I thought for sure he wouldn’t want to stay. He had been diagnosed five years earlier with early onset Alzheimer’s and preferred staying at home. He was never the kind of person that wanted to be with other people that he didn’t know in a social setting.
Jaime had her work cut out for her, but was up for the challenge. She and the staff went out of their way to keep my husband engaged, and I will forever be appreciative of that. She is the type of person that will go above and beyond to make sure the caregiver and the client are happy. I recommend Jaime's Adult Day Center every chance I get."
Client Family Testimonial | June 2023
Cheryl Barlow
"I'm exceptionally pleased that we entrusted our precious loved one to Jaime's Day Center! Our dad looks forward to the exercises and entertainment they provide. The staff are loving and exhibit an extreme amount of patience.
As we grow older it is hard to envision life when we are no longer capable of doing things and it has been difficult for our father to lose his independence but thanks to Jaime's Day Center he still has joy and is encouraged each day to remain physically and mentally active!"
Client Family Testimonial | June 2023
Renee Singleton-Bell, BSN MS, Nurse Informaticist

"Thank you for all you and the staff do to make Barbara feel welcome. She is really enjoying it."
Client Testimonial | Member family | July 2022

"My friend Emily told me that her dad has been a member of Jaime's Adult Day Center for years. She sang your praises and also raved about your staff. I told her I’ve observed the members being treated with a high level of care and respect. Always validating to hear good feedback."
Client Testimonial | Judy-Emily | April 2022
Thank you so much for spoiling my dad and giving him the best possible care by showing him dignity, respect and love. My mom and I could not do it without you. Dementia takes an emotional toll, can be frightening and is stressful but you and your staff support us in every way you can. Your training and exceptional patience make his days more meaningful and enjoyable. The daily activities make him alert and provide the stimulation that he needs to be happy! His eyes light up when we arrive and he’s all smiles, that’s when I know we chose the right place for him. You all go above and beyond our expectations. You told us to trust the process and that routine is key and we now have peace of mind because of you!!
Client Testimonial | Emily | February 2022

Jaime's Adult Day has been a huge blessing for my husband and I. He was diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer’s five years ago and almost one year ago I started taking him to Jaime's. The staff is wonderful to him and probably most, he enjoys when they play music and he gets to dance!
Client Testimonial | Cheryl | February 2022

Jaime, Thank you so much! Diane really enjoys her time with everyone and we are ever so grateful to you for making it such a fun and welcoming place for her. God bless you and your staff!
Client Testimonial | Anita | January 2021

Jaime, as always, thanks for everything you do. Mom is thoroughly enjoying her time and activities at the center. She especially speaks about how nice, kind, upbeat, and organized your team is every single day. It amazes her how they have so much energy, and how they look after everyone, always there to lend a helping hand.
Kudos to you. Well done!
Client Testimonial | Jeanette | October 2020

About six months ago we started looking for a day care program for our sister. She has some medical problems which have contributed to her forgetfulness and memory loss. A need for a place to go a couple times a week and to be able to interact with others in a safe and caring environment was a must.
Then we found Jaime's ADC! Not only did it meet our sister's needs, it exceeded our expectations. She has been attending twice a week for about five months now and she absolutely loves it. She is met with smiling faces who are happy to see her and she enjoys a full day of structured and fun activities.
Who knew she would love 'Chair Zumba' and 'Table Talk' and an array of musical activities as well as visits from a special dog and a miniature pony!
Out thanks to Jaime and her wonderful staff!
Client Testimonial | Joanne R. & Anita A. | August 2019

Jaime's Adult Center has proved to be a real godsend for my family. We want to keep my mother, who is in her nineties, in her home for as long as possible. In-home agencies weren't the answer for us, but Jaime's Center definitely is. My mom needed social interaction with other people her own age. She loves Jaime's Center because of all the various and thoughtful activities that are provided - whether it is chair Zumba and chair yoga or entertaining trivia games and outings. My mother also raves about the food prepared by Jaime's devoted staff. They greet mom with a smile, a kiss and a hug and my mother comes home excited, chatting and truly engaged.
I've noticed a real positive difference in her. Her mind is sharper and she is more energetic. I owe it all to Jaime's Adult Day Center.
Fran McMorris, Tampa Bay Business Journal|Client Testimonial|August 2017
Jaime is a caring, well-trained nurse, who is also very creative and compassionate. When I took my mother there, I was very impressed with the services they offered. It is a wonderful adult day care center, that I highly recommend.
Client Testimonial | Deborah & Keith Hennings | May 2019
My mother has been going to Jaime's since last September. It's hard to leave a loved one in someone else's care, you always want to make sure that they are taken care of. However, there has never been a doubt in my mind that my mother is where she is supposed to be, surrounded by people who understand her needs, treat her with dignity and respect, and love her unconditionally.
Jaime and her staff truly care about my mom, they engage her as much as possible and they are attentive to her needs. I tell Jaime she is my angel because she is just so great with my mom even though sometimes it is very challenging. I am truly blessed to have found Jaime's Adult Day Center.
Client Testimonial | Sharon O'Brien | May 2019
Choosing to care for loved ones at home has become increasingly popular over the years, but it is not as easy as some people may think. I work in a private home setting and have had the privilege of providing professional care for Wynne, an eighty-one year old female diagnosed with vascular dementia related to a fall four years ago. The spouse chose to keep Wynne at home and acted as her primary caregiver for the first year. Eventually, this became a difficult task physically and mentally and he sought outside help. Although he had reservations about Wynne's acceptance of going to an Adult Day Center, they gave it a try on a part-time basis.
Within a few weeks, Wynne showed a strong desire to attend and transitioned to full-time. I recently had the opportunity to inform Wynne's primary care physician of the profound impact Jaime's services have had. When the doctor asked Wynne if she was happy she replied "Yes!" without hesitation. Instead of lying on a couch watching TV without any distractions, Wynne is now looking forward to attending Jaime's Adult Day Care.
According to Wynne, she is going to "see all of the beautiful people who love her". The staff greet her every morning with such warmth and compassion, it's no wonder she looks forward to attending. Wynne participates in all the daily activities and the stimulation has proven to be of benefit. She is able to recall certain events from the day and has a new found love for music. Her afternoon medications are administered and the staff is consistent with reporting any concerns they observe.
It is very obvious that both owners (sisters) and professional staff have a gifted devotion for what they do. Anyone who would be reluctant to place their loved ones here can put all those speculations behind them. Wynn's spouse, who was also once hesitant, is grateful for his wife's quality of life today!
We give thanks to Jaime's Adult Day Care Services and truly admirable staff for contributing to Wynne's new and improved daily journey.
Cristal Sisneros & Jerry Davis | Client Testimonial | June 2018

My immediate impression of Jaime's Adult Day Center was that it is comfortable, friendly and engaging. The thoughtful, home-like touches make it feel like we were in someone's own comfortable home. The staff was thorough and extremely friendly and they are able to make amazing connections with the members. The activities available for the members are very engaging and fun. It was so great to see them getting involved, active, having fun and making close friends!
Aly Zuelsdorf | Client Testimonial | March 2018
Jaime's ADC is a godsend! I am grateful beyond words that we found this happy place 3 months ago! My mom moved from Indiana to Florida with me about 3 years ago, away from friends, family, and her church which she loved. Here in her new home, when I had busy days, her primary activity became sitting in her chair and working crossword puzzles for hours. I was watching my beloved mom withdraw into what I felt was a worsening mental status and depression.
Then, with MUCH reluctance, she promised to "try" Jaime's for me. It wasn't long before she walked out at the end of the day with a big smile on her face and more alertness which carried over to home! Now she enjoys--looks forward to!--her days at Jaime's! She loves the people who work there, as well as interacting with other members, and she is treated like family!
She's doing exercises, artistic projects, enjoying music and SOCIALIZING! I feel that we turned back the clock and gave her additional good years, and now she "wishes they had had a place like that in Indiana"! The "free days" are a gift for me and my husband, and now I can have a fuller life also! Win/Win!
Sharon Hayes Miller|Client Testimonial|November 2017
Jaime's Adult Day Center has provided a welcoming, structured and safe environment for our sister Janet, who has been diagnosed with dementia. The staff at Jaime's have proven to be very supportive of both their clients and client's families. Prior to going to Jaime's, our sister was isolated at home alone during the day while we were at work. Going to Jaime's has given Janet the opportunity to interact with people her own age and to be engaged in activities and socializing. The change in her mental awareness and happiness has become a truly positive experience for our whole family.
Scott & Ginger Fredricksen|Client Testimonial|November 2017

My mom was so apprehensive about going somewhere new but she has gained confidence and new friends along with some new smiles! Makes me so happy to see her happy!
Cammie Logan Aucoin|Client Testimonial|October 2017
We (The MIsfits) just performed at Jaime's Adult Day Center during activities time. We arrived just as some of the guests were coming in from gardening time. All in attendance left me with the impression they were happy to be there and were actively engaged with our performance. We can't wait to visit again!
Henry Potter of the musical group "The Misfits" |Testimonial|September 2017
My father-in-law enjoys his time there, staff are very welcoming and attentive to him. And I love having a break to take care of business knowing he is in a safe environment.
Marcia Byerly Leaser|Client Testimonial|September 2017
Jaime's Adult Day Center has made such a great and positive difference in my mom's life! In the past, she was somewhat content to be at home and watch TV all day, or sit outside on the lanai, maybe even take a short walk in the neighborhood. We had even tried other "senior centers" which she found quite boring and really didn't meet her needs. You see, my mom has dementia and has good days and bad days.
When we found Jaime's, it was like a breath of fresh air! Jaime's setting is perfect for my mom, all on one level, a great room sectioned off for different activities, no stairs, elevators or changes needed, just a simple movement from one part of the room to another to change activities.
The staff really know their stuff and Jaime's philosophy is totally geared to maintaining dignity, respect and caring for each individual who attends. I've never seen my mom so active and engaged! She has a very poor memory, so asking about her daily activities isn't possible, however, I am able to have excellent communication with Jaime for any issues that may arise.
Jaime's Adult Day Center has given me peace of mind to know that my mom is in a safe, clean, comfortable place where she is valued and cared for. I am very grateful for Jaime!
Janice L. Brock, RN, OCN|Client Testimonial|August 2017

Google Review-Client Testimonial|July 2017
Prior to finding Jaime's we were at our wits end as to what to do with our mother who suffers from ALZ. Always being semi-active she was now unable to do activities and showed little to no interest in anything. She was becoming irritable, angry and in some cases uncontrollable. Jaime's was a LIFESAVER. She changed from resistance to going to now wanting to go everyday. Jaime and staff are welcoming, professional and easy to work with. They are able to capture the client's interest with activities, field trips and entertainment. They make each client feel special. It is obvious to me that Jaime and staff love what they do.
Mom feels safe and partakes in activities that we were unable to get her to do. She feels that she can open up completely where at home (we are learning one day at a time) we tend to want to "fix" her. I'm afraid to say that if not for Jaime's we would have had to break our promise and put my mother in a nursing home. Thank you Jaime and staff!
KLB | Client Testimonial | April 2017
Hi Jaime,
First of all I wanted to say how happy I am that you and your business are in my parents' lives and mine. You have been a godsend to my mom (and M too). M has a great time while he is with you, and the freedom that it allows my mom is priceless!
Client Testimonial | April 2017
Jaime and staff are all extremely professional and welcoming. They are very flexible and provide a safe environment for my mother-in-law. Everyone is very compassionate. Allowing me to take my mother-in-law here gives me respite...it's a win/win! I get a break and my mother-in-law gets some social time!
Kari Hutton Bradberry |Client Testimonial | February 2017